World India Telangana Warangal

Warangal , Telangana

Type of Destination
Historical, City
Languages Spoken
Telugu & English
Warangal Altitude

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India Telangana Warangal

About Warangal

Warangal is one of the districts in Andhra Pradesh State. Warangal, Kazipet and Hanamakota constitute the Warangal District. The airport in Mamnoor village on outskirts of Warangal was once served as biggest airport during 1947 serving the Nizam’s of Hyderabad. Warangal is the center for the major political movement demanding separate Telangana from Andhra Pradesh. Famous freedom fighter Kaloji Narayana Rao was born in Warangal.

Kakatiya Dynasty played vital role in developing the Warangal as the city served as headquarters for Kakatiya Dynasty in the time period raging from 12th to 14th century. The city has numerous monuments, forts, and temples etc which were established during the Kakatiya dynasty. The famous traveler Marco Polo described about the cultural and administrative skills of Kakatiya’s in his writings. During 16th century, Warangal was ruled by Golconda Sultanate. It was also under Mughal Empire for a while. Currently Warangal is the declared as “Red Corridor” as there are sumptuous Naxalite Activities.

 “Sammakka Saralamma Jatara” an important festival is celebrated in Medaram, on the banks of stream Jampana Vagu, which is 90 km away from Warangal. This festival is second largest festival in Asia next to “Kumbh Mela”. This festival is the accretion of tribal communities in order to honor the intrepid fight which took place between mother-daughter duo (Sammakka and Saralamma) and a Kakatiya King demanding justice. Nearly 6 million people take part in this festival.

Hotels: Ashoka Hotel, Hotel Landmark, Hotel Suprabha, Lahospin Hotel provides pleasant accomodation to tourists.

Restaurants: There are many restaurants in Warangal starting from roadside Dhabas till posh restaurants. Cuisine would be typical Andhra Food with more spice including Vegetarian or Non Vegetarian foods. Jalebis available in roadside stalls are mouthwatering.

Shopping: Scroll Paintings, Brass wares are major attractions for a buyer as far as shopping is concern. Lepakshi Emporium, Subedar, DCWRA Bazaar and Hanumkonda offers wide ranges of souvenirs to be purchased. Hand worked Durries can be purchased from Kothawada.

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Richa Sharma
Jan 04, 2014
Autorickshaws may not be metered, you need to negotiate a final price before hiring.
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