World India Rajasthan Chittorgarh Bhilwara

Bhilwara , Chittorgarh

Type of Destination
Historical, Pilgrimage
Languages Spoken
Rajasthani, Hindi & English
Bhilwara Altitude

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India Rajasthan Bhilwara

About Bhilwara

Bhilwara famous as the textile town of Rajasthan is frequented by travelers for the Mejha Dam. The Dam offers a perfect picnic spot as other amusement activities are catered for at this site. Also visit Triveni which is a place of religious importance as three rivers namely Banas, Menali and Badachh meet here and lots of pilgrims flock this place to take a dip in the holy water. At Triveni there is a temple dedicated to lord Shiva which remains submerged during winters. Another temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is located just 6 Km from Bhilwara and is famous as Harni Mahadev. A 3 day fair during Shivratri sees a rush of pilgrims here. Do visit the Pur Udan Chatri which is a porch mounted on top of a stone. Since it is at such a level that it looks as if the porch is hanging in air thus it got its name.

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