World India Karnataka Malvan Karwar Beach

Karwar Beach , Malvan

Type of Destination
Languages Spoken
Kannada, Konkani, Hindi & English
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India Karnataka Karwar Beach

About Karwar Beach

Karwar is the scenic coastal town. There are four Islands near its coast. There are a number of beaches in and around Karwar town. Among them Karwar Beach itself is spectacular with serene and beauty. As per the historical saying, Rabindarnath Tagore, a great Indian poet was much inspired by this beach and thus he wrote his first play being mesmerized by the natural beauty of Karwar Beach. Huge number of tourists from all over the world throngs this beach. With help of professionals, tourists can have fun in various kinds of water sports. People from hustles and bustles of city life can be relaxed by Sandy shores, cool sea breeze and sun warmth of Karwar Beach. Palm Grooves which fence up the coastal area gives an enticing moment to the visitors as if they have entered into some kind of paradise.

3.5 ( 1 )

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