World India Tamil Nadu Rameswaram Panchamukha Anjaneyar Temple

Panchamukha Anjaneyar Temple , Rameswaram

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India Tamil Nadu Panchamukha Anjaneyar Temple

About Panchamukha Anjaneyar Temple

The other interesting sight to be visited is the Panchamukha Anjaneyar Temple in Rameswaram. Here the main deity is Lord Hanuman, who helped Lord Rama in the battle of rescuing Goddess Sita from Raavan, the demon King. The deity is well encrusted with Senthooram (sacred orange color). Also the most enticing part is the temple shows the puppet movie which depicts the episodes of Sri Lanka Battle and the contribution of Lord Hanuman to the battle.

There are also deities for Lord Rama, Lord Rama, Lord Sita and Lord Laxman in the temple. These deities were once in Dhanushkodi and after the being by cyclone in 1964 the deities were brought back to mainland Rameswaram. One can see the floating stone which, as per mythology used to build the bridge across the sea to reach Sri Lanka by Lord Rama. The faces are Lord Hanuman, Lord Narasimha, Lord Adivaraha, Lord Hayagriva and Lord Garuda. The local people in Rameswaram consider that all the deities in this temple are more sacred and as if the deities are alive with flesh and blood.

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