World India Jammu and Kashmir Leh Indian Astronomical Observatory

Indian Astronomical Observatory , Leh

Type of Destination
Vista Point
Languages Spoken
Ladakhi, Tibetan & Hindi
Indian Astronomical Observatory Altitude

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India Jammu and Kashmir Indian Astronomical Observatory

About Indian Astronomical Observatory

The Indian Astronomical Observatory situated close to Hanle village in Ladakh, India, is the second highest optical telescope in the world. This observatory is mostly remotely operated by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore. Observatory is located on a hilltop and there is a guest house near the foothill. Accommodation at the guest house can be only be availed if you have the right contacts in the government. If you are lucky or have the right contacts, engineers stationed there give a tour of the observatory and show the equipment.

Tourists are officially not allowed to bring cameras to this village. Photography equipment needs to be submitted at ITBP check-post at Loma. There is a loophole though; you are not stopped from carrying a phone with a camera.

4.3 ( 2 )

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