World India Tamil Nadu Dindigul

Dindigul , Tamil Nadu

Type of Destination
Historical, City
Languages Spoken
Tamil, English not widely spoken beyond a few words
Dindigul Altitude

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India Tamil Nadu Dindigul

About Dindigul

Dindigul is along the highway while travelling from Chennai to Madurai. It is well connected by bus to Chennai and Madurai as well as to Bangalore and Ernakullam. There are many lakes, hills, temples and churches in the region which proved to be worth watching for.

Dindigul has had a glorious past under the rule of Muslim ruler Tippu Sultan. You can’t go to Dindigul without trying the Biryani. There are many kinds of Biryani  served in the city, as well as several local dishes. Venu's Briyani is a good place to visit while Thalappakatti is an old favorite biryani restaurant. There is also a good choice of South Indian restaurants serving good, standard local cuisines.

Dindigul has the distinction of being a center for locksmiths, so there’s hardly a better destination to update your security supplies than this place. The city is also a good place to shop for saris. Dindigul is also a center for agriculture, particularly rice, textiles, especially saris, tobacco, paan, and leather tanning. The city is a bit off for a tourist destination for non-Tamil speakers because there isn’t much English spoken here. However, for those interested in improving their Tamil, it could be the perfect place to find local cafes and chat with the people.

Temples should generally be visited in the morning because village temples may close after 11 am. Be careful when crossing the roads and driving because the roads may be narrow. As elsewhere, avoid unknown places at night. Dress modestly and keep a close eye on your belongings. It is always advised to keep safety precautions while travelling.


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Traveller Community User
Feb 17, 2014
Famous for its Biriyani, you ought to try it once there. Also, there aren't many wine shops/bars in the town.
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