World India Andaman and Nicobar Islands Havelock Island Barren Island

Barren Island , Havelock Island

Type of Destination
Scenic, Island
Languages Spoken
Hindi, Tamil and English
Barren Island Altitude

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Havelock Island
India Andaman and Nicobar Islands Barren Island

About Barren Island

One and only active volcano of South Asia, Barren Island is part of Andaman and Nicobar Island. Barren Island is located towards Northeast from the Capital Port Blair. The place is purely uninhabited except for goats, bats, rodents etc which much to our surprise survive on these volcanic beds. Frist eruption occurred in 17th. century. Most of its eruptions are more devastating. Also most of the volcano is situated under seawater. Tourists normally take a boat ride and watch out the Barren Island from distance without even getting on the Island. However, many scientists visited the Island in the past for research and analysis.

3.8 ( 3 )

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Traveller Community User
Nov 15, 2016
A tour to Island requires special permissions which are very difficult to get and sometimes needs Government of India recommendation which is not easy
I like it
Traveller Community User
Nov 15, 2016
Barren Island has very restricted access and is under Navy's control.
I like it

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