World Nepal Bagmati Dhulikhel

Dhulikhel , Bagmati

Type of Destination
Historical, City
Languages Spoken
Nepali and English
Dhulikhel Altitude

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Bagmati Dhulikhel

About Dhulikhel

Dhulikhel is located 30 km. east of Kathmandu on the area of Arniko Highway on the way towards Tibet. From the periphery of the ridge, a spectacular panorama of peaks unfolds, from Langtang Lirung in the east, all the way through Dorje Lakpa to the huge bulk of Gauri Shankar and close to Melungtse (7181m) and as far as Numbur (5945m) in the east.

There's more to Dhulikhel than incredible views. This is a genuine Newari town, with a temple-lined village square and a life outside of revealing tourists to the views. The imaginative skill and urban culture of its Newar inhabitants have formed a place of charisma and splendor. Streets lined with bare-brick houses, engraved wooden windows, inclined title roofs, pagoda temples and holy statues everywhere. You will imagine as if you have strolled into a cultural theme park. There are lots of hotels in Dhulikhel. You'll come across dozen of them just simply following Araniko Highway; there are also a few close to the main square and few at the foot of the hill housing Kali temple. 

You can catch Buses from Kathmandu's Ratna Park for Dhulikhel.

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