World India Gujarat Jamnagar

Jamnagar , Gujarat

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Gujarati, Hindi & English
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India Gujarat Jamnagar

About Jamnagar

Jamnagar is a beautiful city with a rich history and is situated in the state of Gujarat. The city gets its name from its founder called Jam Rawal. Jamnagar was once a princely state in Saurashtra region and was known as nawannagar. The city is an assortment of different tourism elements. The city is marked by the presence of a number of beautiful temples some of which are the Sun Temple, the Ancient Bhid Bhanjan Temple and the Bala Hanuman Temple. Legends believe that Jamnagar is a part of Dwarka where Lord Krishna was born.

Jamnagar has been named as the oil city of India and gained importance after the largest oil refinery had been set up here by the reliance industries. Jamnagar is also a home to a lot of palaces and forts , which are in good shape like the Prate Vilas Palace,the  Lakhota Fort, Darbargadh Palaceand the Wiling don Crescent. The city is a delight for shopping lovers bandhani fabrics and silver pieces are a must buy. Once a small fishing center, Jamnagar is now the largest pearl fishing center in the world. The Ayurved University located in the city is a center for research and development. Students from all over the world visit this university to learn about the Ayurvedic techniques. The Pearl City offers a pleasing and memorable experience to tourists who are looking for peace and serene beauty. Despite being an economic center the city but still retains its old charm.

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